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The MK1 Cortina owners club was established in 1982, and has members quite literally worldwide. Recognised by the Ford Motor Company & the DVLA, the club welcome's all Mk1's from standard models to Customised, including rally and racing cars. We have Club stands at many Classic Car Shows and members are always welcome to join […]

The Lotus Cortina Register is a club for owners and enthusiasts of these cars. Our Mission. The aims of The LCR are: To maintain records of Lotus Cortinas. To provide help and assistance to owners.. The LCR now has a global membership, with members in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Africa, and all over Europe..

MK1 Cortina Owners Club National Show 2022 YouTube
The multi-award winning UK based classic car club for all things MkII Cortina. Our primary aim now, as always, is to promote the preservation, interest, and use, of the MkII Cortina in all its forms and variants. We welcome every single MkII Cortina into the club, whether they be concours winners, everyday workhorses, race cars, customised, modified or original, and those in boxes awaiting.

MK1 Cortina Owners Club Mike Brewer Motoring
MK1 Cortina Owner's Club Ltd - Dedicated to keeping all MK1 Cortina's on the road

MK1 Cortina Owners Club National Show 2019 WalkAround YouTube
MKI Ford Cortina Owners Club Show 2007
Welcome to the official group for the MK1 Cortina Owners Club. Feel free to share photos of your restorations, ask other members for help and generally celebrate a beautiful classic car.

1966 Ford Mk1 Cortina GT XU0001 Shannons Club
10.6k / 3. With the introduction of renovated Ford Cortina Lotus Mk 2, Lotus Cortina Mk 1 was immediately put on the back burner. This small and convenient British car was highly loved both by British.. Mk1, Mk2, Mk3, Mk4, Mk5, GT, Lotus Owners Club.
MKI Ford Cortina Owners Club Show 2007
Classic Car Run 9th April 2017. 4.9k / 1. Ford Cortina, a classic British car, was created by Ford of Britain in various guises from 1962 to 1982. In the United Kingdom, Cortina elicited applauses from its customers as the best-selling car of that time. But it was not only the UK that placed Cortina in the list of the best cars.

1966 Ford Mk1 Cortina GT XU0001 Shannons Club
1. Removal of members. This Facebook page was set up to support the Mk1 Cortina Owners Club. If anyone is not happy with the way we do things then feel free to leave the group page. Anyone disrespecting the club, this group page or defaming any of the members will be removed regardless of if they are an actual member of the club or not.

Ford cortina mk1 spares
The most powerful version was 1498 cc (1500) and produced 78 bhp (58 kW) that was used in GT Cortina. Ford Cortina Mark I (Mk1) was a real superstar of 1960's. You can see them featuring 1963 film Carry On Cabby. This car concurred car market with its large size, moderate price and unique design that remains trendy even today.

Cortina MK1 GT 1966
Welcome to the MK1 Cortina Club. The MK1 Cortina owners club was established in 1982, and has members quite literally worldwide. Recognised by the Ford Motor Company & the DVLA, the club welcome's all Mk1's from standard models to Customised, including rally and racing cars. We have Club stands at many Classic Car Shows and members are always.

Ford cortina mk1 owners club national show
01225 351626. 35 Wilton Drive, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 OPU. The MK1 Cortina owners club was established in 1982, and has members quite literally worldwide. Recognised by the Ford Motor Company & the DVLA, the club welcome's all Mk1's from standard models to Customised, including rally and racing cars. We have Club stands at many Classic Car.

Cortina MK1 History
Ford Mk1 Cortina Club. Public group. ·. 2.9K members. Join group. We are a group of Ford Cortina Enthusiasts who together can keep our Cortina's on the road.Our aim is to share all info and good times concerning.

Ford Cortina GT MK1 2 door for sale
Nevertheless, its popularity is very high and the Ford Cortina Lotus Mk1 is not the exception. The history of this car began in 2961 when Colin Chapman decided to build his own engines for Lotus due to the high cost of Coventry Climax unit. His joint work with a close friend, Harry Mundy was a Chapman's chance to design a twin-cam version of.

MK1 Cortina Owners Club. Official Mk1 Cortina Owners Club - Recognised by the Ford motor Company, and the DVLA. We have Worldwide and Welcome new members. Our Cars including Customised, Rally and Race. Visit Website.

When it comes to Ford Cortina, only the Lotus with vacuum-operated servo assistance was the exception. Ford Cortina Mark 2 has the same to Mark 1 front suspensions, while the 1600E, Lotus, and early GT models are associated with rear axle location. One more common feature of MK1 and Mk2 is a bench seat with column-mounted manual or automatic.
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