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Low Voltage Circuit Breakers. This guide is intended as a practical guide for designers, specifiers and installers to enable them to specify low voltage circuit breakers in accordance with: BS EN 60898-1, BS EN 60898-2 and. BS EN 60947-2. This guide should be read in conjunction with these standards as it provides additional explanation on each.

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Hi Just done a minor job where the MCB's had no BS number on them at all, they are Steeple series E, the board was fitted in 1993, look very much like BS EN 60898, what should i. Going back to the OP, I would have thought a BS/EN number would have to be present on the device. Unless it is very feint. Reply. Ash Senior Member. Joined Feb 15, 2010

List of BS numbers for old isolators and protection Devices
i have been told i need to know a few BSEN numbers i know for a Mcb the bs EN is 60898 but does anyone have any ideas what the others are ?. There is a list of all BS, EN, and BSEN numbers in the BS7671 Wiring regs book (BRB). But no doubt a search on't net will reveal all.

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Hi all, Anyone know what the BS EN number is for these now obsolete breakers? Model number is MCB

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Moulded-case Circuit Breakers - MCCBs conforming to BS EN 60947-2. 12/03/2004. This 14-page colour document provides essential background information on MCCBs. Definitely one to download and keep by clicking on the icon to the right. To obtain a full copy of the NICEIC Technical Manual read below.

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Naturally you still need to be able to tie the two together. So regarding the BS numbers for. Main cut normally 63a, 80a or maybe 100a how do you know the BS number for EIC. Double pole isolator on consumer unit usually 100a same applies here. mcb's are 60898. rcd and rcbo's 61009 and 61008.

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Below is a reference guide for the BS number of various protection devices such as fuses, circuit breakers, RCBOs, etc. typically referenced on test certificates: BS Standard Description; BS 1361: Cartridge Fuses (Consumer Unit Type) BS 1363:. BS EN 61009-1: RCBOs: Posted in Technical

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BS EN 61009 1 RCB0s BS 7288 RCD Sockets BS 1363 13A Plug Tops BS 5419 Old Main Switch (Crabtree 100A 240V) BS 4293 Old RCD Main Switch BS 3871 ratings M1 1000A M1.5 1500A M3 3000A M4.5 4500A M6 6000A M9 9000A Main fuses: BS 88 BS 1361 - cartridge BS 3036 - rewirable in an old metallic cut out
MCB's Wylex PSB06C C6 6A 6 Amp MCB Circuit Breaker Type C
Dec 7, 2015. #1. Eh up. There are often two boxes on the side/front of BS EN 60898 circuit breakers, BS EN 61009 RCBOs etc, e.g.: The bottom number is often misunderstood. The top number is Icn (in amps). In this case, Icn = 6kA. The bottom number is the energy limiting class.

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4.1 History of the development of BS EN 60947-2 21 4.2.BS EN 60947-2 Characteristics 22 4.3 BS EN 60947-2 Rated Values 23 4.4 Installation Factors 27 4.5 Determination of maximum earth Loop impedance (Zs) 27 4.6. Harmonic currents 28 5. Technical And Application Data - all Low Voltage Circuit-breakers to BS EN 60898-1, BS EN 60898-2 and BS EN.

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Circuit-breakers to BS EN 60898-1 can also comply with BS EN 60947-2 but the short-circuit breaking capacity of each may be different. Some manufacturers state that their cbs with a short-circuit capacity of say, 10 kA comply with BS EN 60898-1 and the same cb with a short-circuit capacity of 15 kA complies with BS EN 60947-2.

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The C60H & iC60H MCB complies with two product standards. EN/IEC 60898. EN/IEC 60947-2. (Please see attachment)
MCB Branch List
The BS Number is BSEN60947-2 and breaking capacity is 65kA. Attached file includes maximum ZS values, but In order to comply with BS7671 Amendment 3: 2015, the figure in the attachment should be multiplied by Cmin of .95 Released for: Schneider Electric UK. Attachment(s)

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MCB BS EN 60898 (types B,C,D) MCB BS 3871 (types 1,2,3) Fuse BS 1361 (type 1 & 2) Fuse BS 88 Fuse BS 1362 (plug top) M107, Mar 9, 2007 #8.. to have pics and codes but hey! i shouldn't worry .if you are stuck for the BS EN number just take your best guess No other ***** has a clue ,and nobody cares ,what you enter Lokkars Daisy, Mar 9, 2007 #10.

Different types of MCB (B,C,D,K,Z) uses and working Mcb Selection Electrical Wiring
BS EN 60898: 1991 BS EN 60947-2: 1996. (MCB's). Relates to Low Voltage Circuit Breakers for use in industrial and similar. From 1 January 1997, all IEC publications have the number 60000 added to the old number, e.g: IEC 898 has been renumbered as IEC 60898. For a period of time during the change over from one numbering system to the.

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1,215. Location. S. Tyneside. Oct 15, 2011. #9. bs 3871 was superceded by 60898, so answer would be both. not quite. just because it was superceded doesnt mean its both. 3871 & 60898 have different characteristics. same as 4293 was superceded by 61008, yet the trip times at 1x are different.