An Inspector Calls Revision Posters Teaching Resources Vrogue
It was my own fault. (suddenly, to Gerald) All right, Gerald, you needn't look at me like that. At least, I'm trying to tell the truth. I expect you've done things you're ashamed of too. Gerald.

An Inspector Calls — Drama Republic
An illustration of text ellipses. More. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Internet Archive Audio. An inspector calls. Publication date 2009 Topics Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton), 1894-1984. Inspector calls, Inspector calls (Priestley, J.B.) Publisher

An Inspector Calls [PDF Document]
Revise the characters of An Inspector Calls for your GCSE English Literature exams with Bitesize interactive practice quizzes covering feedback and common errors.

An Inspector Calls — Drama Republic
Key Facts about An Inspector Calls. Full Title: An Inspector Calls. When Written: 1945. Where Written: England. When Published: 1945 (play premiered in Soviet Union) Literary Period: mid-20th century British drama, social realism. Genre: Mystery drama. Setting: 1912; a comfortable home in Brumley, England. Climax: Gerald returns to the Birling.
AnInspectorCallsFullText (1).pdf
Write a review. In stock. £6.50. Add to Basket. Add to Book List. If you're trying to hunt down a top grade, you're on the right track. This brilliant Text Guide contains everything GCSE English students need to write simply marvellous essays on J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls. It's packed with crystal-clear, easy-to-read notes on.

An Inspector Calls — Drama Republic
An Inspector Calls. This text formed the basis of a talk given at the Bradford Literature Festival in May 2015.. An Inspector Calls is undeniably a product and expression of the radical moment of 1945, but it also has roots much deeper in Priestley's life and ideas. Brumley, where the play is set, is an industrial town much like Bradford.

An Inspector Calls Official Trailer YouTube
An Inspector Calls. The play is a three-act drama, which takes place on a single night in 1912, focusing on the prosperous middle-class Birling family, who live in a comfortable home in Brumley, "an industrial city in the north Midlands". The family is visited by a man calling himself Inspector Goole, who questions the family about the suicide.

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Paper 2 is worth 96 marks and accounts for 60% of your overall GCSE grade. The An Inspector Calls essay is worth 34 marks in total, because it also includes 4 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar. Section A of Paper 2 contains the An Inspector Calls question and you are required to answer one question on the play from a choice of two.

An Inspector Calls Gerald An Inspector Calls Quotes Inspector Vrogue
An Inspector Calls is a modern morality play written by English dramatist J. B. Priestley, first performed in the Soviet Union in 1945 [1] and at the New Theatre in London the following year. [2] It is one of Priestley's best-known works for the stage and is considered to be one of the classics of mid-20th century English theatre.

An Inspector Calls (podcast) Lucy MacDonald Listen Notes
An illustration of text ellipses. More. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Internet Archive Audio. An inspector calls by Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton), 1894-1984. Publication date 1988 Publisher London : Heinemann Educational Books Collection

An Inspector Calls 10 Quotations Per Character Revision Teaching Quotes Gcse Poster Goole Vrogue
An Inspector Calls: Copy of the Play. May 16, 2013 by Laura. Here's the entire play in word document form….

BFI Shop An Inspector Calls (DVD)
AN INSPECTOR CALLS. Gerald Croft. Inspector Goole. All 3 acts which are continuous, take place in the dining room of the Birling's house in Brumley, an industrial city in the north Midlands. It is an evening in spring, 1912. The dining room is of a fairly large suburban house, belonging to a prosperous manufacturer.

An Inspector Calls Word Search WordMint
An illustration of text ellipses. More. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Internet Archive Audio. An inspector calls, J.B. Priestley. Publication date 2004 Topics Priestley, J. B. (John Boynton), 1894-1984. Inspector calls, Inspector calls (Priestley, J. B.)

An Inspector Calls (Broadway, Booth Theatre, 1947) Playbill
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An Inspector Calls (2015) Posters — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Birling: Neither do I. If you'd had any sense of loyalty -. Inspector: ( cutting in, smoothly) Just a minute, Mr birling. There be plenty of time, when i've gone, for you all to adjust your family.

An Inspector Calls Book Cover Educational Books for Schools and Colleges
GCSE English Literature for AQA: An Inspector Calls Student Book, with a focus on differentiated tasks and attainment for setting student targets. The emphasis throughout, as with the Student Books, is on engaging the reader as an active interrogator of the text and on helping them to reflect on the text's relevance to themselves and others.
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